Understanding Storms and Afflictions – Part 3

Welcome to the concluding part of this series. We had an 18-inch snowstorm in my neck of the woods this week. As I stayed indoors reflecting on God’s wonder (nature). It will only fit that I conclude this topic.

We can all agree that times of hardness are inevitable, they also make us experience life in a different dimension. There will be moments when it seems we are in the breakdown lane of life. Yes, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. It is signed, sealed, and delivered. However, the enemy of our soul will seek to challenge our knowledge and understanding of our redemptive rights in Christ.

The presence of God is in the storm.

He got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. – Mark 4:39, NIV.

He is right there; still and calm with you -just as Christ was with the disciples when the boat seemed like it would capsize. God is well aware of the affliction. This time, he wants you to open your mouth and speak to your storms. Face your storms courageously and do not give up at any point. Remember to always involve God in all your endeavors even in the afflictions. Afflictions are not beyond God’s knowledge. He is waiting for you to acknowledge His authority within you.

The Power Within You

Truly, I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea’, and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. – Mark 11:23, NIV. 

You have the power to deal with your storms.  God expects you to speak to your storms. He is waiting on you to command them to be still, to move, to budge to shift!!  That power is according to the measure of faith you have. Before Christ spoke, he looked at his disciples and said “Oh of little faith!” He marveled at their unbelief. The disciples were so flustered, they could not muster enough faith to speak to the storm. What does that say to you and me? Unbelief will prolong the duration of the storm! You need to muster every faith in yourself, backed by God’s word to address that affliction.

Commanding Afflictions to Move with the Authority of Christ

As you open your mouth to speak, God is duty-bound to honor your faith and make power available to calm the storm. Christ has finished His work on earth, He has transferred power to you. He is beckoning you to command the mountain of affliction to move. Tell it to move! Move it must! God and his Word are one. If He is commanding us to speak, we must speak.

What is that lingering trial or affliction that is staring you in the face?

Command that Cancer infection, in you or even your loved one, and the challenge you are undergoing with faith.

I join faith with you in the name of Jesus and command it to be cast into the sea. It no longer brings you tears. It no longer robs your joy. You are coming out stronger, your faith is built up, and you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you.

Amen, amen, and amen!

