Understanding Storms and Afflictions – Part 2

Welcome back!😊. In Part 1, we understood affliction as a part of life’s events. 

Here, we shall explore how afflictions build vital aspects within us.

The Purpose of Storms

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. – Isaiah 43:2, NIV.

Jesus also mentioned that in this life, many troubles were certain but as believers, we have the overcomer’s edge. It is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. Life will happen, and situations will test your faith and resolve. Nevertheless, remember that victory and deliverance are the fundamental assurance of the believer. Amen!

The Transformative Power of Storms

Storms are not meant to drown us. They are not meant to keep us in a state of despair. They are meant to build in us qualities that are critical to our faith. One such is perseverance. Another is patience. Our faith in itself cannot stand alone. We are commanded in the scriptures to imitate those who obtained the promise through faith and patience. We are also commended to add virtue to our faith. How can we do these if we are not tested and tried?

Nobody enjoys the ugliness that comes with trying situations.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. – James 1:2-4, NIV.

When I remember some of the trying situations I faced during my cancer treatment, I shudder. In the process, however, I learned a lot! I focused so much on the lessons I needed to learn, and it was no longer about the cancer anymore.

Evidence of Perseverance

As I mentioned in an earlier post, a cancer diagnosis can make you think life is about to end. Rather than think of death, I chose to enjoy the relationships God brought my way. My husband and I went out the more. We became more intimate. I threw whatever energy I had into TamBo’s Kitchen. This was a new baby and I could not sit back and let it die. Today, I can pay it forward with this platform.

Now that God has strengthened me, I can strengthen others.

Remember, no storm is too strong to drown you unless you allow it. No fire is too hot to burn you unless you allow it.

God is right there in the midst of the storms with you. It could be you’re battling cancer directly or indirectly or even any other storm in your life. It might seem like He is silent. He is well aware and has assured you the result of the victory.

Glory to His name! Be of good cheer! Jesus has overcome the world for you. Shalom!

Our discussion have COMMENTS (2)

  1. Hallelujah!!! We win always .

    1. Yes! We are on the winning side. Victory is sure!

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