Understanding Storms and Affliction- Part 1

In life, we encounter afflictions, challenges, and storms which disrupt our purpose and pace. No matter how fierce these storms can be, they can be overcome with the right foundation.

Let’s break this down for a better understanding from the Bible’s perspective.

“The righteous person may have many trouble but the Lord delivers him from them all” – Psalm 34: 19, NIV. 

The Unknown-Unknown of life

Affliction, challenges, storms, battles, troubles, sufferings or trials, whatever you call it, come in different forms. My husband calls them ‘the Unknown-Unknowns of life’. You don’t bargain for it, you don’t ask for it, and some of them might seem non-deserving…life happens! Just like the way I was diagnosed with breast cancer. 
It could be a job loss, a terrible sickness, the death of a loved one, a natural disaster that renders you homeless, bankruptcy, and so on. Afflictions force us to slow down on the highway of life to take a break for a while.

The Foundation of Belief

In the parable of the builders, Christ presented the profound truth. He demonstrated two people building on different foundations. None of them was exempted, they both experience the rain, the streams, and the wind. Jesus did not emphasize the building materials. He focused on the foundation and what could happen if the foundation was not strong enough.


Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” – Mathew 7:24-27 NIV.

Similarly, a person’s life foundation is their belief system. A strong and unwavering belief can provide stability and resilience when storms come.

The Afflictions of Righteousness

King David concluded that even the righteous were not exempt from troubles. In the book of Psalms, he described these afflictions as ‘many.’ However, there is hope in knowing that God does not promise us partial but complete deliverance Hallelujah!
Afflictions may come, please remember to embrace them as opportunities for growth in various aspects of your life. This you may understand better when you overcome the afflictions. Keep a firm belief system and trust God.
I pray for you today. No matter the storm, receive peace in the midst of it. Be delivered completely and walk in victory.
Stay tuned for part 2
Be blessed.

Our discussion have COMMENTS (4)

  1. Amen like thunder. More and more light my beloved.

    1. Amen and Amen!!!

  2. Bless you my dear, storms will come , it is how you handle the storm that show if you will get out alive from the storm.
    Just like the parable of the bolder, God focuses on the foundation cos it’s your foundation that substains.
    When we are in Him and with Him, zHis right hand holds us and if in that position, storms, affliction and all the ills of the devil will come shake us, move us around but we go through and stand cos He is holding us.
    My sister, you are a branch of His vine, remain blessed.

    1. Bless you Sister Freda!

      You hit the nail on the head. Our foundation, our belief systems, play a critical role in how we pass through and overcome storms. Thank you so much for the contribution.

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