Learn to CELEBRATE your loved ones!!

Do you ever celebrate the people in your life?

Hello wonderful people! I took a break; Well, it was not a break per se. I have been busy on my Facebook page celebrating loved ones.

I call them my inner circle.


  • They are my encouragers.
  • They are people who celebrate me.
  • They go out of their way to make me comfortable.
  • They are honest and genuine with me.

God has sent them to make life meaningful.

Like I always say, life is too short to be stressed. Don’t wait till people die before you appreciate them. Learn to celebrate people. Learn to give a gift of help, a smile, or a good deed. Could you pay it forward?

This girl right here is my cousin: Oluwadara. I will tell you more about her in another post. She is very dear to my heart. The dude that will marry will go through a rigorous interview

Beloved, appreciate those God and life have brought your way. Don’t wait till it’s too late!

Our discussion have COMMENTS (2)

  1. God is definitely more than good.

    1. Yes He is!!! Thank you for taking care of me :)) xoxo

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