Integrative Therapy: Breast Cancer & Spiritual Care

Healing and Faith

Merry Christmas, lovelies!!! I hope you had a wonderful time with friends and family. I enjoyed reconnecting with my sister-in-law and her family, who migrated from England and are settling in Chicago.

This presents me with another reason to travel to the Midwest. Beyond the festivities, I’d like to share a personal journey of integrative therapy, breast cancer, and spiritual care.

Spiritual Care

I love this picture that I took in church on Christmas day. The sight of the cross drew me to the altar and I began reflecting on my spiritual journey through active treatment. It makes me happy to see that modern healthcare is recognizing the significance of holistic approaches. Spiritual care, nutrition, psycho-social care, and meditation, among other things, are being recognized as part of additional supportive treatment for cancer.

Finding Strength Through Faith and Support

As a woman of faith, my spirituality was an integral part of my survival. Without my connection to God, I would not have been sensitive enough to know something was brewing in my body. During chemotherapy, I had a severe health complication. In those challenging moments, my faith and the prayers of loved ones held me steadfastly.

If you know anyone undergoing cancer treatment, I encourage you to enquire about the spiritual care they are embracing. For me, it was Jesus all the way. I recall one night when I was so sick, with my husband miles away in Chicago, and I was shivering violently. I had no strength to reach my phone or raise my voice loud enough for my children to hear. Dara, my cousin, and caregiver was in snooze land. All I could do was call on the name of Jesus. Miraculously the shivering stopped; I called Dara again with all my strength and this time, she woke up.

The Transformative Power of Holistic Wellness

My journey through breast Cancer has been a testament to the remarkable potential of holistic wellness. Integrative therapy has illuminated a profound truth that true healing involves nurturing every aspect of life.

I have countless testaments of God’s mercy and grace in the place of prayer, Bible study, meditating on God’s word, and relearning the faith. These spiritual practices have made the breast Cancer treatment process bearable. They have also breathed hope into the challenging journey.

As you continue to explore the depths of holistic wellness, I invite you to read my two posts. which further illuminates the power of embracing a comprehensive approach to well-being.

I will see you in 2019!!!

