I will not be afraid nor ashamed to seek, ask and receive help

Hello fam! It’s holy week in the Christian calendar…aka La Semana Santa!! I remember 2003 this time, myself and a couple of friends took a 3 city tour of Spain: Barcelona, Cordoba and Madrid. We spent Holy Week in Barcelona. It was a blast!! Gaudi architecture is breath taking….the food, everything…including the culture shock of cigarette puffs after the Semana Santa rituals :).

After my last blog post, I began to think of ways to dig deeper into the tools I use to continue to survive and thrive in the midst of life challenges. That being said, I started an episodic series on my IGTV on seeking help. The links to them are here and here.

Help comes to those who ask for it. The whole world might be tupsy turvy but everything you need to thrive is within your reach. Wishing you a happy Easter week.




