I am grateful – Love During my Cancer Journey

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! I know I am a day late.  But better late than never. I hope you all had time cherishing your loved ones. On this special day of love and gratitude, I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who made my journey through Cancer less bumpy.

A year ago, Valentine’s Day was exactly the day my ob-gny diagnosed me with Cancer. It was not easy yesterday, I was having phantom pain in my right chest.  I finally got out of the funk and celebrated God’s goodness. I also slept for 7 hours. As I mentioned in my posts, you cannot do this journey alone. I had God, the host of heaven, and the people God sent my way.

Thanks to the Almighty

I am eternally grateful to God Almighty, El-Shaddai, for His unwavering love and mercy throughout my battle with Cancer. To Jesus Christ, my Lord, and Savior, for allowing His name and shed blood to be my strong tower during the dark times. To the sweet Holy Spirit, my comforter, best friend, confidant, and intercessor who enabled me to detect the attack early on.

My Supportive Family

To my loving parents, Nathaniel Olusemire and Mary Abimbola Abogan, for their continuous ‘papa lion and mama lion” instincts, care, and prayers. Your love was unconditional, and I cherish you with all my heart. To my mama and papa in love, Joy Adewumi and Wole Adeloye, thank you for your endless prayers and words of encouragement.

To my husband, my partner in destiny, and my beau, Olubankole Adewumi. This was truly a ‘for better or worse, in sickness and in health’ moment. Thank you for being my rock and just loving me through it all.

To my children, my troopers, Oluwatamilore and Boluwatife (TamBo), my perfect gifts from God. Thank you for going through the process with me, the crying, the cleaning, the humidifier duties, the med administration, everything. You handled it maturely, and I bless the Lord for making me your mum.

To my immediate family on both sides of the aisle: my siblings, Yemisk and AAA, and my sisters in love: Tolu, Kemi, Yemisi, Laide, Seun, and their spouses. To my brothers in love, GB and DR Jydo, and my other sisters in love: ‘Lolo Ugo’ and Ade. Thanks to my cousin Kemi for standing with me in prayers, checking on me, cheering me up, and being there throughout the process.

My Workplace Family

Special appreciation to my work family at South Shore Hospital, the truly ‘EPIC’ IT Team at 141 Longwater. Thank you for the love, prayers, gifts, survival kits, and many good things, too numerous to mention. You are truly epic. I want to particularly thank Donna, my senior colleague who helped me survive the first hour of the news. To Karen, the best manager anyone can ever have or wish for, the training and the Inpatient teams love you all.

My Pillars of Faith

How would I make it through without the household of faith? I particularly appreciate Apostle Sint Ekoh, who took the fight of faith with me. To Pastor Mary Oyomire, who took it upon herself to pray and send the word of God to me daily. To my local parish pastor at Fountain of Grace, Pastor Austin Oriakhi, for standing with our family; Pators George and Gloria Irabor, the senior Pastors at Fountain of Grace, for their prayers and the pastoral team for standing in the gap. I also want to thank Rev Obaweya of All Souls Anglican Church for his prayers and Pastor Phillip Adolor for reminding me that God is too faithful to fail in my life. To everyone who stood in the gap for me, may the Lord reward your labor of love in Jesus’ name.

I would love to appreciate the Deacon’s Board, Fountain of Grace Church, for my prayers, love offerings, and words of encouragement. My church family in the Brockton Parish for the prayers, care, and food (when I could not eat my food).

To my Friends

I want to thank my sisters from another mother: Adeyemi, Folabo, Lola, Ify, Uju and Ayool, Oluwaseun, and Omolara, who truly went through the journey and battle with me. To my pink sister Mariama, who fought, won, and helped me manage the symptoms.

To my very vester of many years Abisola, Queen Mumuney, and her husband, Pastor Lawal, you are a friend that sticks closer than a sister.

To my mum in Boston; mama Jejelola Akinade, you are indeed a pillar of strength. Thank you so much.

The Oladipos, Kolawoles, Shakeera, the Tolberts, thank you! Yinka and Deola Adebiyi; xoxo.

This appreciation will not be complete without thanking my new sister and friend: Dr. Yehoda Martey-Abogan (Mrs AAA). Indeed Yehoda, you were part of the divine plan.

Looking back on the journey, I am filled with gratitude and love for each one that stood with me. Your prayers, love, care, and support made a difference in my life and I am forever indebted to you. Today, on Valentine’s Day, I celebrate the love of family and friends. I am grateful too for the love that carried me through my battle with Cancer.