Happy “Cancerversary” Oluwatomiiyin

Hello fam! yesterday marked 3 years that Dr. Nardello broke the news of my cancer diagnosis to me. I can still remember where I was. I can remember the car I rode to work. I still remember the reaction.

It was hard to shake off the feeling yesterday…I was slipping into depression. I came to my blog page, one of my safe spaces and began to read the chronicles under the section “The Good Fight”. It was uplifting. It reminded me of God’s loving and saving grace through it all.

Trust me, it has not be easy. My faith in God was the anchor that saw me through treatment and still continues to see me through when I hit rough patches.

So, my valentine’s gift to you is to give you 2 extra blog posts to read. You can find them here and here.

I also have some beautiful news! TamBo Foundation screened 325 people in 2 days during the week of World Cancer Day. Our media page is popping! Go check it out. 5 of the women presented with cervical polyps and breast lumps. We will be working with those on the ground to ensure they get care.

Also…..Facebook approved our Donate button yesterday! What a beautiful gift!!! Now, you can effectively support the cause, do a fundraiser, and know fully well that your money is being put to good use.

As we also speak, we are supporting a Survivorship safe space meeting in Lagos today at House of Prayer, Lekki.

Yours truly is going on vacation next week. I need it!!!


