Cancer Treatment Options – Who is Right?

Hello wonderful people! Welcome back to my blog. I had written this piece in the summer but forgot to upload it. Better late than never! The weather outside is frightful but imagine it is summer.

Embracing Summer and Recovery

Summer is finally upon us in Massachusetts. Yay!! I look forward to going to the beach with my hat and jar of sunscreen, I am not allowed to go swimming yet because I just did another procedure; the final reconstruction. I am going to have to be patient, a virtue I still struggle with. I am healing well and I continue to trust God for total overall healing and restoration.

The Complexity of Cancer Treatment Choices

That being said, I would like to talk about a topic within cancer care that has brought many experts in the medical and alternative health fields butting heads. I remember when I got my diagnosis and three people I love so much gave me very spirited and passionate advice on how to go about my treatment.

One advised me against what she called “Chinese hocus pocus” and to check in with an oncologist. Another told me to listen to a cancer warrior who went the natural route and used nutrition and other alternatives to be cured and stay cancer free. The third person gave me books about people who cured breast cancer naturally.

Western Vs Holistic Approach

Not long after, I met a lovely lady whose mom lost her battle with breast cancer. She had decided to go with the holistic approach.  Unfortunately, the holistic approach did not work; it was too late when she tried the medical route. I also know of people who did not make it, although they tried Western medicine. For some, the detection was late, for others, they were rare cancer forms with low survival rates.

The debate on cancer treatment has gotten more and more passionate over the years with both sides of the treatment aisle, criticizing the other. The holistic blames pharmaceutical companies and hospitals for focusing too much on profit at the expense of patient lives. The medics blame alternative practitioners for not backing their claims and treatments with evidence-based research. Patients like myself are left in the middle wondering what to do.

My Journey Through Conventional Cancer Care

As many of you might know, I followed the oncology care standard: chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, and targeted therapy. I am also currently on endocrine suppression with tamoxifen. All the procedures have side effects, but I am learning to manage them accordingly so my quality of life is not diminished.

Why did I go this route?

I had no personal encounter with anyone who went the holistic route in my sphere of influence. I would not rely on self-appointed experts who might want to paint a rosy picture of what is not, just to sell their products.

I understand the dilemma when you want to make the right decision considering the misinformation we receive daily from the media and the conversation of science.

Remember that your journey through Cancer treatment is deeply personal. You are an active participant in your healing. Do your research, and decide what is best for you. Be your advocate.
