Gists, Gists & More Gists :)

Aloha! It’s me yours truly. I am here with some juicy gists! Ha ha! I can see you all squaring your shoulders and grabbing something to munch or drink.

The month of May has been interesting. Gist number 1, I am putting a formal spin to patient advocacy. The past 2 years, I have seen how loved ones, (and foes) have responded to my breast cancer diagnosis. The misconceptions have left me a bit baffled… even among college educated people. With that in mind, TamBo Foundation has been established to be a voice of awareness in Afro-diasporic communities. It is going to be a major opportunity to shed light on this disease and properly unveil the stigma. I have provided the link here. Our very first inaugural gala is happening July 6 and it would be a great honor to have you there. Preparations and plans are taking place. You can us follow on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. Quick disclaimer! I am not dumping the blog. I will still use this medium to muse and bring you up close and personal to the things I am passionate about.

Gist number 2, I had the opportunity to travel back for my college reunion! Yep, Alma matter, Smith College! It was an opportunity to see folks and just enjoy the Smith Campus again. Smith has one of the most beautiful college campuses I have ever seen. I stayed in my old house, saw one of the house chefs, and had the renowned vanilla mudslide. You cannot go to the campus center and not have mudslide!

Gist number 3, I had the opportunity to participate in a mission enhancing conference this weekend as well. The Harvard Global Health Catalyst. It was interesting to listen and participate in some of the ground breaking discussions on reducing the health disparities, care inequities and access surrounding cancer. I left with a quote from President Laurie Glimcher of DFCI, and I re-quote “Just as cancer cannot wait, neither can we”. Inherent in that quote is a call to action for everybody to use every godly tool possible to bring this disease to a standstill, reduce its toll on families and communize it like headache. Advocates, philanthropists, politicians, businesses, scientists, religious leaders, ordinary people, everybody must be involved.

Gist number 4…. I don’t have one!! Ha! Gotcha!

Love you lots, thanks for always stopping by and sticking around. Till we chat again, remember, life is too short to be stressed.

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