What to say; How to Act to a Cancer Patient

Hello wonderful people. I have been very overwhelmed and encouraged by the feedback and comments I have received from you. It has given me the hope, drive, and courage to continue to share and inform as we lift the veil shrouding breast cancer and cancer in general.

I wrote a post on what not to say to a cancer patient. This post flips the script to offer us the right words to say and the right way to act.

When a friend or loved one receives the diagnosis, it is very important that you are there and show that you care. The way you show care is to give them hope and strength through your words and actions. It’s at their lowest moment, and they greatly need support. Let’s dive in and be well-informed.

1. “We Will Face it Together.”

This statement shows that you have registered with the patient to duke it out with cancer from treatment to recovery. You are essentially saying, the patient is not alone and you will be there at critical points to assist.

2. Here is the Number of XXXXX Cancer Centre. Give Them a Call.

It is crucial that a cancer patient get a professional and thorough opinion about the diagnosis. This is to be certain and avoid misdiagnosis. We are not medically certified to diagnose and recommend treatment (unless you have a sister-in-law like mine who is an oncologist. Nudge the patient in the right direction with a gentle nudge. It is an overwhelming process so you want to be the gentle voice of reason.

3. Providing Spiritual and Emotional Support.

Notice I did not tell you to refer the patient to a prayer mountain or your pastor. NEVER give any cancer patient false hopes about a spiritual cure from some fountain, mountain or object. The healing journey requires a building up of faith. According to the Bible; faith is built by responding to the word of God, not seeking signs and wonders. I will be exploring this topic much later.

4. ” I Will Help You with These House Chores While You Focus on Treatment.”

Yess!! Instead of saying “How can I help”, some house chores and errands you can help with include: cleaning, grocery shopping, school pick up and drop-offs if the patient has school-age children, appointment rides, and cooking. Even if you are far, you can pay for their services for them. Offer them practical assistance not just word of mouth.

5. ” I Am Here to Listen.”

The emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis and treatment cannot be overstated. I am still reeling from the effects. A Cancer patient often grapples with fear, anxiety and a sense of isolation. Letting a Cancer patient unload the emotional burden by offering a listening ear is highly therapeutic. You can even offer to go for a walk with them if they are comfortable with it. Gentle physical activity can help alleviate some emotional burdens.

There you have it lovelies. Be the beacon of hope for Cancer patients. Starting next month, I will be more thematic in my writing and focus on one theme monthly. This will guide my blogging and also allow for deeper discussions. I welcome your feedback. I appreciate your reading. See you in February.

