O.E.M.A: Origins

O.E.M.A (pronounced wëmah) was the name given to me after a victorious event.

The port site from which I was receiving chemotherapy was infected. I ended up in the hospital with intense rigors, a 103 F body temperature, and a white blood count of 0.9 on the 28th of March. It was a near-death experience. My blood pressure was low, I was barely responding to major antibiotics.  The only thing I could hold on to was the name of Jesus, faith sermons by the late Kenneth Hagin, and praise hums.

A Test of Faith

As I lay lifeless on that hospital bed, my thoughts shifted towards a pending challenge. 17 days from the 28th, I was supposed to cater for a 700-guest wedding. While I had already collected a good chunk of the deposit, nothing was ready and no logistics had been executed whatsoever. Summoning my strength,  I called on God.

Deep down, I kept saying to the Lord:

”I know you won’t allow me to suffer shame, I will get out of this hospital, I will be strengthened, and this wedding will come out excellent!’.

There was a holy audacity that rose although my vital signs were not looking good. The bride and the wedding planner were emailing me seeking updates, and I was responding in faith. I responded like all was well.

A Miraculous Turn of Events

Finally, the surgeon took out the infected port, and further tests revealed that the bacteria had not reached my heart valves, an IV antibiotic that could tackle the infection was discovered. With gratitude, I was discharged on the 6th of April.

All I had was 7 days to plan. God sent help. My sister’s friend flew in from MD, a brother from church transported the waitstaff to the venue, I got a coordinator to handle the plating, and my chefs got the job done. It was seamless!

Witnessing the Hand of God

I did not do much. I just watched God move. As I peeked at the reception floor, I kept hearing in my heart:

Olúwátómiíyìn: God is more than enough for me to praise

Ęni-Ölórunfę: Whom the Lord loves

Mojuaşęgunlo: I am more than a conqueror

Abo-Jésù: A Christ worshipper

These names rang and rang like a melody. I had to hold back my tears.

When Paul the apostle asks ‘What can separate us from the love of God?’ That verse of scriptures came alive in that moment at Mechanics Hall.

I felt loved. I am loved. I am O.E.MA.

Our discussion have COMMENTS (10)

  1. You are yet to testify. Watch and see how our God will blow your mind with Supernatural things He will do in your life. He is a faithful God. Continue to lean on Him and see Him conquer all for you. He is more than enough God. You are so special before him.
    Ride on in His wings and you will NEVER crash.
    Love you.

    1. He is very faithful. Thank you so much for your support.

  2. What a testimony! Thank God for holy audacity and for people who remind us of how God feels about us! O.E.M.A – you are a display of God’s faithfulness!!!

    1. Amen, amen and amen my Sister. So lovely to see you this past Sunday!

  3. Oluwatoyin……….
    Bundle of miracles……..

    1. :))))

  4. Very encouraging. It feels good to know God cares about every detail in our lives and holds us in His hands. Thanks for sharing your journey.
    Great blessings.

    1. He does. He cares more than we think.

  5. To God be all the praise.. Ever faithful, dependable.. Our ever present Help. For clutching and holding firmly in faith to Him, I congratulate you 🙂

    1. God alone deserves it all. 🙂

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