The Parable of the Squirrel

A Tale of God’s Love and Rest

A parable is an earthly story with a spiritual meaning. Jesus used it to illustrate many aspects of what it meant to be Kingdom-minded and reveal God’s heart. He also used it to show us the heart of God. The parable of the prodigal son comes to mind when we think of God’s mercy and how much He values every individual regardless of their mistakes and pitfalls.

A Glimpse into the Squirrel’s World

I live in a semi-woody neighborhood. Squirrels, beavers, deer, and foxes trot along from time to time. The squirrels had a field day when I used to cater at home. My porch was big enough to handle 4 outdoor stoves so when I had a big order, I would cook away.

The squirrels knew when I had a catering order. You would see them peeking from the forest, waiting for me to toss some rice or chicken. Let’s not talk about the birds. Different species built nests on the trees in my backyard, taking advantage of the readily available food source!

The Parable Unveiled

Early 2012 was a very difficult year in our household. My husband had been unemployed for over a year, and our house was in foreclosure. My immigration status had been screwed by Homeland Security. It was a whirlwind of storms.

On this April morning, I was in the kitchen cleaning when I saw a squirrel through the sliding door that led to the patio. The squirrel perched comfortably and was eating a chicken drumstick. This squirrel looked unperturbed and satisfied.  I was jealous. Suddenly I found myself lashing out at a squirrel that could barely hear me. “Who gave you the right to sit so comfy on my porch eating my chicken?!”

Then in that moment, I heard the still small voice resonating deep within my soul:

“You can sit comfortably in me like the squirrel if you want to. It’s your choice.” It was a soft prompting but I heard it loud and clear. Overwhelmed, I broke down in tears realizing I had lost sight of God’s presence amidst life’s challenges.

Fast-forward to October 2017, I see another squirrel perching on my patio easily eating a green fruit. This encounter occurred when I was undergoing radiation therapy after having a full mastectomy in July due to cancer. I was tired.

My strength was gone. Fear was creeping in. Despite my current situation and battle with cancer, I was not angry this time. I smiled. It felt as if the Lord was reaffirming to me what He said 5 years prior – I can choose to rest and trust in Him or allow the current situation to overwhelm me.

My Encounter with a Toddler

The crowning moment was during church service in November This time, a toddler girl, who normally would NEVER allow me to carry her walked towards me. Lifting her tiny hands high as a signal for me to lift her.  I was surprised… I summoned every strength I had and carried her. As I continued in praising and worshipping, she slept peacefully on my shoulder not long after. 

In this precious moment, I once again heard that still small voice:

“You see how this girl lifted her hands in surrender? I need you to do that. Do you see how she is sleeping peacefully? I want you to remain calm and peaceful like that for the rest of your life.”

Whatever the pastor preached that Sunday did not matter. I had received a word in due season. That was my word for the rest of the year and the rest of my life. Just as the squirrel enjoyed the provision and calmness found on my porch, we too can discover solace and peace by resting in God’s love and casting our cares, worries, and anxieties on Him today. He truly cares. 


Our discussion have COMMENTS (6)

  1. This is so beautiful! What a blessing! I choose to rest and trust in Him

    1. Amen! Until we enter into that rest, we have not believed yet.

  2. Wow! Amen! Full surrender

    1. Yep, that is the crux of our faith. He is either Lord of all or Lord of none.

  3. I welled up in hot tears after I read this and it was *Extremely Therapeutic* cos I’ve been trying to cry (in vain) for a while now. Tho short, the tears rolled 🙌

    Our God is not an alaseku, He is an alasepe. He will complete what He’s started. Congratulations

    1. Good evening Bosola,
      Yes, He completed every work and perfectly too. Remain blessed.

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