4 Years & Counting..

Happy belated Valentines! Thank you for stopping by. You could have been anywhere else.

This weekend was a celebration weekend for me. A celebration of God’s love, preservation, goodness, etc. Normally, as I approach February 14 my body starts to feel week, I feel blue and I turn to food for comfort. On February 14, I will coil up in a corner and cry. I did not do that this year.

I went on a personal retreat instead. I checked into Seaport Hotel, away from the hustle and bustle of home and work life. I needed it. It was worth it. It is important to make room for self care.

Seaport Hotel, Boston lobby

What did I do? I danced, prayed and celebrated with lobster mac n cheese. The dance was needed. I had gone for MRI and CT, no tumors were found in my brain. Breast cancer cells tend to travel there. Nothing was found, all scans came back clean. I swam too! It felt a bit weird fitting into my swimsuit because the girls are no longer the same…but I rocked it anyway!

Yup! I went back to Legal Seafood. They never disappoint! Clam chowder, calamari, sweet wine. I went to “chop the life of my head. It was a good opportunity to reflect and rest. I have promised myself that 2021 is my year of all round peace.

I promise I did not finish it 🙂

I am setting boundaries to ensure that my mind is sound, my health is priority, my joy is unspoiled. As women, black women in particular, we put unnecessary pressures on ourselves. We need to ditch that strong woman cape. It has not helped anyone.

I am looking forward to God’s goodness while navigating this pandemic. I have another post for you. It is a two for one. It chronicles what I ate and how I ensured I looked good. You can find it here.

Please stay safe! Hope to see you soon.
